

How much does Facial Magic cost?
Facial Magic costs GBP £59.95.
Are there any extra charges for post and packing?
No, there are no extra charges for post and packing or anything else.
What about availability?
We keep plenty of Facial Magic in our warehouse, which means that orders can always be promptly despatched.
Is the packing discreet?
Yes, orders are despatched in plain white packaging.
Do I have to order online?
No, just as many orders are sent by post as are placed online. Information on ordering by post can be found at the bottom of the "Order Facial Magic" page.
Can I pay by telephone banking or internet banking?
Yes, you're welcome to pay this way. You should place your order online from our order page, but when you checkout you should select the option to pay by bank transfer. We will acknowledge your order by return and provide the necessary details for the bank transfer.
What about a general bank transfer?
Yes, exactly the same applies. Place your order online and select the option to pay by bank transfer and we will provide the necessary details for you to take to your bank to make the transfer.
What about PayPal?
Yes, we accept payment by PayPal. This is provided as a payment option when you order online and our ordering system is fully integrated with PayPal. Alternatively, if you wish we can send you a request for payment through PayPal. In this case you would need to e-mail us and let us know that you wish to make the transaction in this way.
Is any way of ordering better?
No, not as far as we are concerned. Place your order in whatever way is convenient for you.
If I order online is the server secure?
Yes, it's a secure server and is provided by Worldpay who are one of the biggest secure server providers in the world.
If I order online can I pay in a different currency?
The online ordering system allows you to change the value of your order into Euros, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars or Australian Dollars.
Do you take Solo or Electron cards?
Yes, we take both Solo cards and Electron cards as well as Switch, Delta, Visa and Mastercard.
How will I know if my payment's been accepted?
A message that your payment has been accepted will be displayed on-screen along with an order reference number.
What happens if my payment is declined?
A message will be displayed that your payment has been declined. If this occurs you should contact your bank or credit card company to find out why they wouldn't accept the transaction.

Luscious Lips | Facial Magic

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